Hey y'all. I hope you've had a wonderful week. I am in a bit of a rush so this month's Social Sunday is gonna be pretty quick and dirty.
For those of you with
C&C Cages...
How long have you had a C&C cage setup and how many times have you rearranged the cage? [added a loft, made it bigger/smaller, changed the shape, etc]
My Answer: I have had C&C cages for as long as I've had cavies, and for my bunnies as well [four years now]. I have changed my pigs' setup more times than I'd care to think about... but here is me thinking out loud:
1st cage: 2x5 L-shaped cage for Sophie-Mo + Olive,
-->added a loft soon after building
2nd cage: 16.9 sq foot odd-shaped windowseat cage for Mo and Livvy, which they later moved back to with Tasha, Milo, and eventually the babies [and not Milo]
3rd cage: 2x8 divided into three sections: one housing Livvy and Laika, one with Milo and Winston, and one with Tasha, Mo and Ferdie.
4th cage: 2x6 for the girls, 2x3 for the boys
---> added a 1x6 loft to the girls a while after building
5th cage: 2x9 for the girls, my first floor cage
---> added a 2x3 flip-up loft, attached to a 1x4 windowseat loft recently.
There is a more detailed post about my cages coming soon.
***For those of you without... what cage setup do you have?